I consent to the use of my personal data in accordance with the privacy policy.

In compliance with the right to information incorporated in the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, on data protection of natural persons and in the Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantees of Digital Rights, María Gracia de Pedro, communicates below the processing that it carries out of your data.

María Gracia de Pedro guarantees that the personal data of its Users and/or clients will be treated in accordance with the principles of transparency, purpose limitation, data minimization, accuracy, integrity and confidentiality; complying in all cases with the obligations and guarantees derived from the regulations.

Information about the Data Controller

The identification data of the person in charge of the treatment of this web site are the following:

Identity: María Gracia de Pedro
Address: Madrid, Spain
VAT NUMBER: 76971610V
Phone: + 34 686 102 213
Email: info@artepreneur.art

The user may provide us, always on a voluntary basis, personal information through the data collection form included in the “contact” section of the website, or through the means of contact provided for this purpose on the website. The provision of any personal data through the form implies acceptance and consent to the processing of such data in the terms indicated in this document.

For what purpose do we collect your data?

As responsible for your data we would like to inform you the purposes we have to collect your data, are as follows:

  • Customer service, contact with interested parties, information on publications, news, as well as on works, exhibitions and events.
  • Sending of commercial advertising communications by any means of communication.

How do we obtain your data?

During the use of our website we may request your personal data, which can be provided by you always under your express consent and freely given, through the contact form that we have, there are some minimum mandatory data in our forms to fill in that in this case are your name and email, the rest of the data that we request will be optional.

The origin of this data is the responsibility of the user, who must guarantee the authenticity and updating of all data provided to Maria Gracia de Pedro – artepreneur, being responsible for false or inaccurate data provided. If the user wants or needs to complete or update their data can do so at any time by contacting info@artepreneur.art

What is the legitimacy for the processing of personal information?

In order to process your personal information, we need the necessary legitimacy for the fulfillment of the purposes we have indicated above. The legal bases on which our processing is based are as follows

  • Your consent to provide us with your data for the sending of commercial communications allows us to process them for this purpose.


María Gracia de Pedro does not disclose personal data to third parties, except for sharing your contact information with potential employers. Nor are international transfers of data to third countries carried out.

Time period for the conservation of personal data

In compliance with the principle of time limitation and in accordance with the provisions of the applicable legislation in force, we inform you that personal data will be kept and processed for the time strictly necessary and for the purposes for which they have been collected in each case, and provided that a contractual and/or commercial relationship between the parties is maintained, as long as you do not exercise your right of deletion, cancellation and/or limitation of the processing thereof. In these cases we will keep the data duly blocked, without any use, while they may be necessary for the exercise or defense of claims or may arise some kind of judicial, legal or contractual liability of its treatment, which must be addressed and for which recovery is necessary and only during the statute of limitations of such liabilities. Once these deadlines have been met, they will be definitively disposed of by means of guaranteed safe methods.

However, a longer retention period may be established by mandatory legal provision for reasons of legal certainty and to respond to user complaints.

How can you exercise your rights?

As a user, you have the following rights regarding your personal information.

  • Right to request access to the personal information we collect, being able to have control over it.
  • Right to request rectification of inaccurate data.
  • The right to request the deletion or cancellation of the data (right to be forgotten) when the data are not necessary for the purpose for which they were collected.
  • Right to request the limitation of automated individual decisions.
  • Right to limit the processing of your personal information, asking us to keep it.
  • The right to object to the processing of your data in certain circumstances, and for reasons related to your particular situation. Your personal information will no longer be processed for those purposes for which you have expressed your opposition.
  • Right to request the portability of your data to another data controller.
  • Right to file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency, through its own website: https://www.aepd.es/index.html.

You may exercise your rights free of charge, and to receive a response within the deadlines established by current legislation on data protection, choosing from the following means:

  • By sending a request together with a photocopy and/or scanned copy of the applicant’s ID card to the e-mail address info@artepreneur.art including the following reference “Derechos datos”.

Automated decisions on personal data

We guarantee that no automated decisions, profiling or logical processing of personal data will be carried out.

Security measures and confidentiality in the processing of your personal data

We take care to ensure the security, secrecy and confidentiality of our Users’ personal data. Therefore, in compliance with current legislation, we are committed to adopting rigorous security measures and appropriate technical means to prevent the loss, misuse or unauthorized access to your personal data.

In this way, the personal data that María Gracia de Pedro, collects by means of communications or contact you may have with your user, will be treated with absolute confidentiality, pledging to keep secret about them and guaranteeing the duty to keep them by adopting all necessary and reasonable measures to prevent alteration, loss and unauthorized access or treatment, in accordance with the provisions of applicable law.

Updates and modifications

María Gracia de Pedro, reserves the right to modify and/or update the information on data protection when necessary for the correct compliance with the Data Protection Regulation or the Organic Law on Data Protection and Guarantees of Digital Rights. In case of any modification, the new text will be published on this page, where you will be able to access the current policy. In each case, the relationship with users will be governed by the rules in force at the precise moment of access to the website.

These terms of use are governed by Spanish law.

Last update: May 29, 2024.